
Source zone modelling for the Harrat Al-Birk, Red Sea coast: insight from crustal rheological parameters and gravity anomaly interpretation

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Maps of (a and b) P wave and (c and d) S wave relative arrival

Maps showing the (a) crustal thicknesses and (b) bulk Vp/Vs ratios

Densities, Modal Compositions, and Four Coefficients to Describe the

New insights into the contribution of gravity data for mapping the

Interpreted crustal structure from two regional seismic re£ection

Regional significance of crustal and sub-crustal rheological

Depth slices of our S velocity model from 100 to 600 km. Plate

Horizontal gradient of gravity

Bouguer anomaly map for the Harrat Al-Birk and Asir Foreland, with

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New insights into the contribution of gravity data for mapping the

Source zone modelling for the Harrat Al-Birk, Red Sea coast