
Woman Tells Anton It's Men's Fault We're Getting BBL's, Becoming Side Chicks Blame Black Men?

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Women Can't Teach Men How To Be Men, They Are Too Soft Anton Says Stop Babying Your Boys

Ladies Don't Want To Accept the Truth From Anton That Men Don't Intentionally Cheat, Black Women Do

Make Sure Women Consent, Record Her Signing the Paperwork Anton Says Men Have To be Careful Now

Every Woman Thinks She Deserves a Rich NBA Player Faithful To Her, Anton Says We're Unrealistic 🤔

I Want Her Did Anton Fall In Love With Q's Friend On the Panel After She Says This About Women?

Black Women Think They're Too Good For The Cheesecake Factory,Using Men For 48 Oysters, Jada Pinkett

Why Men Should NEVER Get Stuck In the Friend Zone From Women They Desire

I'll Give Any Man a Chance, He Doesn't Have To Make Much Money Women Give Their Preferences 🤨

Women Think Men Are Supposed To Be In the House, Raising Their Kid, We're Supposed To be Busy, Out

Blood Doesn't Make You Family, Anton and Anna Talk Leaving Family Behind, Rocking With Real Ones